
















我们要特别报告,李先生的方法,绝对安全。美国FDA规定,苯酚作为皮下注射常用量可到 0.55%。中国药典规定标准含量为0.5%,李先生使用的苯酚剂量是这个规定剂量的75分之一。世卫组织确定的苯酚安全剂量,40公斤以上的人,每天40毫克以下是安全的。李医生使用的苯酚剂量每天仅有两毫克,远远低于安全线,是这个安全剂量的20分之一。








李跃华 (新疗法发明者)
吴鹏飞 (自媒体作者)
颜培元 (国际民间外交人士)


An urgent call for action

Distinguished WHO officials,

Distinguished health officials from XXX country 

In the midst of a global epidemic, let us urgently report to you on a simple and effective new treatment for the new coronavirus disease. Its inventor was a Chinese doctor named Li yuehua (graduated from the Military Medical University in China and has been a doctor for more than 20 years).

The name of this therapy is "trace phenol acupoint injection method", which has won the national invention patent of China and has applied for the international invention patent. It was an injection of extremely trace phenol solution with a concentration of 0.067% . The dosage is totally 2ml per day with the “left fu tu acupoint”“right fu tu acupoint”“tian tu acupoint ”and “da zhui acupoint”0.5 ml each.

The small clinical trials of this method
1) Over the past few years, it has achieved remarkable curative effect on nearly 1,000 cases of viral diseases;
2) Recently used for the treatment of 18 patients with the coronavirus disease diagnosed by nucleic acid testing and clinical symptoms including 5 patients with severe disease, 5 patients over 60 years old and 1 centenarian, none of whom died of  the illness. Currently, all the nucleic acid testing results have turned negative;
3) More than 100 cases of logistic staff from hospitals in the worst-affected areas were given prophylactic injection, followed by a return visit more than a month later, and none of them were infected by the coronavirus;
4) After self-vaccination, Mr. Li and his three assistants worked among a number of patients diagnosed with the coronavirus in the core epidemic area for more than a month without any special protection. They wore only simple masks and sometimes even took them off, but the nucleic acid results were negative throughout the time in each test.

We need to specially report that the dosage of Mr. Li’s method is perfectly safe. FDA of the United States stipulates that the usual dosage of phenol as subcutaneous injection can be up to 0.55%. The same standard is 0.5% described in the Chinese pharmacopoeia. However Mr.Li used a dose of phenol 75 times less than the Chinese standard. The safe dosage of phenol determined by WHO is below 40 mg per day for people over 40 kg. The phenol dosage Mr.Li used was just 2mg per day,one-twentieth of that safety dosage  which is far below the safety level.

We must be realistic to state that the exploration and small-scale trials of this therapy have been well received by some famous experts, and have been highly concerned by Chinese health institutions, for which a high-level expert council has been held.

In China, this therapy failed to enter the first line of anti-epidemic clinical trials on a large scale due to the following reasons:

1) Mr. Li has been dedicated to medical research for many years and has not gone through the formal procedures of clinical practice, which limits the scale of small clinical trials.  Due to the small sample size in the early stage it affects the positive judgment of the method.
2) It is true that this method has not completed the clinical trials that meet the requirements of evidence-based medicine, and the efficacy cannot be completely confirmed;
3) The pharmacological mechanism of this method is still under speculation and has not been confirmed by scientific experiments, which is controversial;
4) China has relatively rich medical resources, especially many traditional Chinese medicine programs for the clinical treatment of the coronavirus diseases with good effects, so the immediate introduction of a new therapy that have not been determined is not very urgent;
5) By the time when the information of this method might be effective fighting against coronavirus diseases was uploaded,Mr.Li believed that the outbreak in China was reaching the end and the rush to launch such a new method was unnecessary.

But in parts of the world which are underserved and overwhelmed by the severe diseases, Mr Li's new, perfectly safe, potentially highly effective and widely available treatment has great experimental value.

At present, there is no effective method in the world for many patients with critical diseases, who appear to be mild but suddenly become severe and face sudden death, which the mortality rate is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to make a final effort with this method on a voluntary basis.

If the experiment shows that this method is effective, any one of the nurse can learn it in five minutes. What’s more ,it is possible to conduct millions or tens of millions of injections on a large scale, with a relatively low cost.

Epidemic disease is like a fire disaster and human life is in danger. I apply for your highly attention!

Three ordinary Chinese citizens

Li yuehua inventor of the new therapy)
Yan peiyuan (international non-governmental diplomat) 
Wu pengfei (author of we-media)

March 17, 2020

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